Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Implication of Business Process

The entire document is based on rigorous learning and holistic approach. Different messages and persuasive letters have been presented with the help of the websites and academic books.
Implication of Communication Process
Murphy et al., (2006) as well as Thill and Bovee (2005) explained the implications of the communications process as follows
Business A to Business B
Messages Mitchell Maxwell Properties is pleased to submit the letter of interest and considers the redevelopment project as an opportunity for long term growth.
We pay tribute to the company for taking into account our business. Our team has formulated a preliminary plan which will empower the neighborhood, facilitate the entire university community and it will also benefit the Columbus city.
The previous performance of the company reveals consistency and the powerful team believes in transforming the plan into originality. Moreover, the team members understand each other since they have been performing on diversified excellent projects for the past several years. Trust and confidence play the prime role among the team members. More importantly, team leaders perform on projects very carefully and are highly accountable for the results.
We look forward for the feedbacks and comments from community and the entire campus regarding the preliminary plan as an important consultation process. The business truly cares about critical questions and prefers input from its stakeholders.
We thank you all for providing such a great opportunity.
Analysis The sender is the person who is participating in the redevelopment project. It is face to face communication with least noise. It can be improved through well organized printed documents while relying on formal and verbal procedures.
Business C to Business D
Messages First of all, I must thank you a lot for taking out your precious time. In the previous conference, both businesses decided to take it one step forward and opted for the integrated approach for the pilot implementation of customer relationship management systems. Some of the major objectives which were highlighted in the previous meeting include
Analyzing program effectiveness
Internal analyses of the program by focusing on strengths and weaknesses.
Considering customer focus solutions to resolve weaknesses.
Formulating an action plan for Phase II.
Selection of team members for the implementation of Phase II.
As per decided, the meeting will take place at 900 am every second Monday. Furthermore, alternate premises will be chosen between both companies. Your CRM group will perform as a team co-coordinator. The summary of the report is going to be formulated by a third party namely ABC Consultancy.
I have communicated all the important facts as a matter of responsibility. If there is any question or you want to reconfirm any factual then you can call us at XXX-XXXX.
Analysis This is a telephonic conversation. 247 customer service could be better option.
Business E to Business F
Message Being a Chairperson I would like to acknowledge your company in supporting us for fund raising efforts so that it could be easier to help homeless people in New York.
It was successful campaign and we had exceeded the required amount of 1million. However, currently the campaign has been expanded and the target is 2 million. Your business has facilitated in term of financial basis as well as administrative assistance. I would like to say special thanks to Mr. X of your company who volunteered while performing regular duties.
It would be considered as a realm for other corporations in terms of corporate sustainability. I look forward to meeting you soon during the next month meeting. Analysis It is an email. Business should develop extranet with its business partners and should more often rely on electronic data interchange. 

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